Chipper Cats
We Love Cats. This website dedicated to cat health and happiness. What cats can and cannot eat, toys, training and the wellness and happiness of your cat

Can Cats Eat Edamame
Ever find yourself munching on a bowl of edamame, only to notice your furry companion gazing longingly at those vibrant green pods? I know the feeling. It sparked my curiosity about whether or not our feline friends can partake in this snack alongside us. After diving...
Can Cats Eat Cheerios
Have you ever caught yourself pondering whether those round, crunchy Cheerios could double as a snack for your fur baby? I certainly have had my moments of curiosity. After some thorough investigation, I uncovered that while regular Cheerios don't pose a toxic threat...
Can Cats Eat Canned Salmon
You're sitting there, your canned salmon in one hand and your furry buddy staring up at you with those big eyes. Trust me, I know that look all too well - the silent plea for a taste of whatever you're having. It makes you wonder if sharing a bit of your meal with...
Can Cats Eat Sunflower Seeds
Pet owners often wonder what human foods their cats can safely eat. Sunflower seeds are known for their health benefits to humans. This article will explore if those same benefits apply to our feline friends and how to safely include sunflower seeds in a cat's diet....
Can Cats Eat Peppers
Are you wondering if your feline friend can snack on peppers? It's a common question among cat owners. This article will clear up the confusion around cats and bell peppers, highlighting both their safety and health benefits. Discover how to safely incorporate this...
Can Cats Eat Hummus
Many cat owners wonder if their feline friends can share in the snacks they enjoy, like hummus. Hummus is a popular dip made primarily from chickpeas. This post will explore whether it's safe for cats to partake in this snack and provide safer dietary options. Keep...
Chipper Cats
A happy and educational website for cat lovers.