Chipper Cats
We Love Cats. This website dedicated to cat health and happiness. What cats can and cannot eat, toys, training and the wellness and happiness of your cat

Can Cats Eat Blackberries
Do you often wonder if it's safe to feed your furry friend blackberries? Interestingly, cats can eat a variety of fruits, blackberries included. This blog explores the benefits and potential risks associated with cats eating blackberries. Keep reading to discover how...
What Can Cats Eat From The Fridge
Ever wondered what human foods your feline friend can safely consume from the fridge? According to a study by PetMD, many cats can enjoy certain types of human food without any harm.This blog post will offer you a comprehensive list of refrigerator staples that are...
Can Cats Eat Applesauce
Do you often wonder, "Can my cat eat applesauce?" Well, this is a common question among many feline owners. Applesauce isn't inherently toxic to cats but its nutritional value for them is up for debate.Our blog steps into this topic, offering valuable insights about...
Can Cats Eat Cilantro
Can you share cilantro with your purring companion? It's an intriguing question, especially knowing that our feline friends have quite different dietary needs from ours. This post delves into whether cats can eat cilantro safely, the precautions needed and potential...
Can Cats Eat Seaweed
Are you a cat owner wondering if it's safe to feed your feline friend seaweed? You're not alone; many pet parents are curious about the effects of seafood, including seaweed, on their cats. This article will explore whether seaweed is suitable for your kitty, its...
Can Cats Eat French Fries
As cat lovers, we often wonder about sharing our favorite treats with our furry friends. However, when it comes to French fries, the answer may not be so simple. This article will delve into why these delicious snacks might pose a risk and help you understand your...
Chipper Cats
A happy and educational website for cat lovers.