Chipper Cats
We Love Cats. This website dedicated to cat health and happiness. What cats can and cannot eat, toys, training and the wellness and happiness of your cat

Can Cats Eat Pepperoni
Ever wondered if you can share a slice of pepperoni pizza with your feline friend? While pepperoni may be a favorite topping for many humans, it's not the best choice for cats. This blog post will delve into why feeding your cat this popular cured meat isn't advisable...
Can Cats Eat Celery
Wondering if your feline friend can safely snack on celery? This crunchy veggie is packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are beneficial for humans, but it's not necessarily the same for cats. In this blog post, we'll explore whether celery is safe for our...
Can Cats Eat Dragon Fruit
Have you ever wondered, "Can Cats Eat Dragon Fruit?" With its vibrant color and unique flavor, dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a tropical delicacy enjoyed by humans worldwide. This blog will provide clear insights into whether this exotic wonder is suitable for...
Can Cats Eat Blueberries? A Juicy Treat for Felines
Picture it - a sunny summer day, a gentle breeze blows as you pop fresh, juicy blueberries into your mouth. Their sweet tartness bursts with flavor. Looking up at you longingly is your curious cat, hoping for a taste. Can cats enjoy blueberries too? The answer is yes!...
Can Cats Eat Chocolate? A Cat Owner’s Guide to Cocoa’s Risks
Chocolate. That delicious, decadent treat we humans adore. One whiff of cocoa's sweet aroma sparks joy and satisfaction. Just thinking about chocolate makes our mouths water. But what about our curious kitties sniffing around the kitchen? Can cats join in chocolate...
Chipper Cats
A happy and educational website for cat lovers.